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Mongolian Sustainable Finance 8 Principles Guideline

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The supporting guidance contained in this document is intended to help banks in setting up policies, processes, and decision-making around what we have determined to be the critical issues for sustainable finance in Mongolia. In addition to adherence to Mongolian laws, we also reference relevant international standards and publicly available industry good practice examples (in order of relevance) to help us achieve consistency with international market expectations. Over time we will develop our own Mongolian-specific examples to add to this guidance. We recognise that sustainable finance is about cooperation, collaboration and sharing best practice, and thus our reporting and learning will be open and transparent. Each bank will apply this guidance differently and customise their approach according to their respective activities, operations, clients, products, and services. This guidance is intended to help catalyse ideas and provide context, inspiration and examples for each of the banks to practice the Mongolian Sustainable Finance Principles in their day-to-day work. We expect that this guidance will help determine respective policies; processes, tools and systems; internal roles and responsibilities; training; product and service development; and reporting.


© 2025 Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association