Joining Hands for a Sustainable Mongolia
Principal members
Supporting members
International partners
Policy partners
Principal members
Principal members may include all legal entities with licences from the Bank of Mongolia to run as commercial banks, development banks, non-banking financial institutions, and branches of foreign banks in Mongolia.
International partners
We work closely with various international organizations, associations and networks, to share knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable finance.
Become a member
The Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association has expanded its membership to the wider financial sector including banks, non-bank financial institutions, real sector corporations, and other related entities. All our members are committed to contributing to a sustainable and climate neutral and resilient economy by introducing sustainable finance principles in their business activities and internal operations.
Principal member
Principal members may include all legal entities with licences from the Bank of Mongolia to run as commercial banks, development banks, non-banking financial institutions, and branches of foreign banks in Mongolia.
Supporting member
Supporting members may include businesses, training organizations, international organizations, NGOs, professional and sectoral associations, research institutions, media and other collaborative organizations that are cooperating with the MSFA in implementing, supporting, and developing the activities of the MSFA's Principal members.
Why join MSFA as a member?
Тогтвортой хөгжлийн зорилтуудад хувь нэмрээ оруулах
ТоС-ийн мэргэшсэн зөвлөгөө, дэмжлэг авах
Байгууллагын эрсдэлийн удирдлагыг бэхжүүлэх
Холбооноос хэрэгжүүлдэг төсөл хөтөлбөр, эх үүсвэрүүдэд хамрагдах
Roles and responsibilities of a member:
Cooperate, effectively implement, and develop policies, regulations, guidelines, and standards for sustainable finance, environment and social risk management, and sustainable business created and approved by the Association;
Regularly submit reports in the format approved by the Association on the member's implementation of policies, principles, guidelines and standards for sustainable financing, environmental and social risks, and sustainable business within a certain time frame
Officially assign an officer in charge of cooperating and contributing to effectively implement the Association's vision, mission and Board decisions
Other responsibilities stated in the Charter to comply with the decisions resolved by the Association
How to become a member?
Step 1
The applicant sends an expression of interest to become a member to
Step 2
The secretariat will revert and share the membership package (application form, commitment template and other required membership documents), and if necessary, request additional information from the applicant. When the documents are complete and duly signed by the applicant’s management, the Board of MSFA will consider the request and make a decision.
Step 3
If the Board of MSFA approves the application, the applicant will officially become a member, pay applicable membership fees, and get access to applicable privileges and services.
© 2025 Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association