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Integration of gender responsive financing pratices in the Mongolia's financial sector

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The UN Joint Programme “Rolling out an Integrated Approach to SDG Financing in Mongolia” aims to contribute to the improvement of alignment of financial resources with national development policies, formulation of an integrated financing strategy, and building capacity of key stakeholders for implementation of SDGs and their financing strategies. One of the goals of the financing strategy is to contribute to gender equality through financing decisions; therefore, integration of gender-responsive financing practices at the financial sector has an important role and contribution towards promoting gender equality in Mongolia. Mongolian local financial institutions have been actively pursuing the sustainable finance agenda through a voluntary national sustainable finance initiative that started in 2013, and is currently managed under the leadership and guidance of the Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association (MSFA). This work has helped to galvanize support for and implementation of the Mongolian Sustainable Finance Principles. The project “Integration of Gender Responsible Financing Practices in the Mongolian Financial Sector”, delivered through international consulting support and in collaboration with the MSFA, was intended to assess the current state of gender mainstreaming in the financial sector and to develop a framework, guidelines, tools and templates to help banks and non-bank financial institutions to mainstream gender in their respective institutions. The gender mainstreaming framework is intended to be integrated into the existing Mongolian Sustainable Finance Principles and leverage the commitments, tools and infrastructure that have been developed since 2013 to support sustainable finance. The Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association is designated as the platform to champion and support the framework’s implementation in financial institutions and coordinate with government and regulatory institutions, non-governmental organizations, and international actors as appropriate.


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